Forever Young BBL™

The Forever Young BBL encompasses all of the advantages of the original BBL Photo-Facial procedure along with the newly recognized benefit of delaying skin aging.

Full Face - $425

Full Face & Neck - $499

Face, Neck & Chest - $699

Treatment intervals determined at consultation.

Introduction to The Forever Young BBL™ Photo-Facial

Every once in a while a treatment is introduced that takes us one step closer to the fountain of youth. The Forever Young BBL Photo-Facial is a big step in that direction and is one of the most advanced techniques available today to slow down, treat and reverse damaged and aged facial and non-facial skin. This is the most effective and advanced form of photo-facial and photo-rejuvenation currently available due to the broadband light technology.

The Forever Young BBL encompasses all of the advantages of the original BBL Photo-Facial procedure along with the newly recognized benefit of delaying skin aging. The treatment targets hyperpigmentation, sun damage, broken capillaries and diffused redness in the skin all while stimulating collagen. Forever Young BBL clients have seen great results on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms and other body parts.

A study from Stanford University now validates that Forever Young BBL produces change at the molecular level by enhancing the expression of longevity-related genes in aged skin cells. What does that mean? Essentially, the aging process is reversed and returns skin to a genetically more youthful state! 

Results from 3 treatments done 3 weeks apart.

Photos curtesy of The Skin Room. Treatment performed by Katelyn Rousselle.

Why it works.



The Forever Young BBL™ Photo-Facial treats sun damage, broken capillaries and helps to diffuse redness in the skin. It stimulates collagen production leaving you with plump, youthful, rejuvenated, and healthier skin.


Clinical research from Stanford University has revealed that having a Forever Young BBL™ Photo-Facial 2+ times annually reverses the signs of aging, and causes skin cells to behave younger. The light energy delivered by the BBL™ will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to generate collagen, which promotes skin firmness. Photo-thermal energy will eliminate fine vessels that cause redness and reduce unwanted melanin (brown spots) and pigmentation.


  • - Reverse the signs of aging

  • Designed specifically to treat hyperpigmentation (sun damage & brown spots)

Additional Information

  • Every once in a while a treatment is introduced that takes us one step closer to the fountain of youth. The Forever Young BBL Photo-Facial is a big step in that direction and is one of the most advanced techniques available today to slow down, treat and reverse damaged and aged facial and non-facial skin. This is the most effective and advanced form of photo-facial and photo-rejuvenation currently available due to the broadband light technology.

    The Forever Young BBL encompasses all of the advantages of the original BBL Photo-Facial procedure along with the newly recognized benefit of delaying skin aging. The treatment targets hyperpigmentation, sun damage, broken capillaries and diffused redness in the skin all while stimulating collagen. Forever Young BBL clients have seen great results on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms and other body parts.

  • Rosacea and redness


    Broken Capillaries

    Sun Damage

    Dull Complexion

    Uneven Pigmentation

    Pigmented Freckles

    Age spots & Liver Spots

  • The Forever Young BBL Photo-Facial is quick and safe, performed in 60 minutes or less. It utilizes various wavelengths of light that target and denature damaged cells in the skin, stimulating our body’s natural healing process. When this occurs, pigmented damage such as sunspots and freckles get pushed to the surface of the skin and naturally flake off. The light also treats unsightly broken capillaries and diffused redness in the skin. The end result is a more even and bright skin tone. Another benefit of the Forever Young BBL Photo-Facial is the stimulation of collagen production that leads to thickening of the skin, leaving you with youthful, rejuvenated, healthy skin.

  • Exciting new clinical research from Stanford University has revealed that having a Forever Young BBL Photo-Facial 2+ times a year actually reverses the signs of aging and causes skin cells to behave younger. Younger skin cells produce more collagen and elastin than aged skin cells.

    Compelling evidence supports regular long- term BBL treatments that will enhance the expression of longevity-related genes in aged skin cells; essentially reversing the ageing process and returning skin to a genetically youthful state.

    Read the Journal of Investigative Medicine Study performed at Stanford Medicine proving the incredible benefits of the Sciton BBL Forever Young Photo-Facial.

  • Sun damage is more than skin deep. An unnerving fact is that UVA and UVB exposure not only depletes our collagen, but it actually alters the DNA of our skin cells. This breakdown results in uneven pigmentation, changes in skin texture, loss of elasticity and, increasingly more common, cancer.

    The effects of UV exposure are cumulative, becoming more visible as we age. The more exposure we have the greater our risk becomes for developing skin cancer and prematurely aged skin. A Groundbreaking Study on Forever Young BBL from Stanford University has made an incredible discovery. This study has demonstrated that Forever Young BBL treatments can restore the gene expression pattern of aged human skin to more resemble young skin and, more importantly, healthy skin.

    Over 1,000 gene expressions became “rejuvenated” to be more like youthful skin resulting in decreased elastosis and more uniform collagen deposition; leading to improvements in fine wrinkles and pigmentation.

  • Item description


  • It is important to discontinue the use of prescription vitamin A products and acids one week prior to your treatment and one week post treatment. Even though the downtime is minimal we recommend you do not have an important event within 7 days of your BBL Forever Young Treatment. We recommend having a HydraFacial treatment 7-10 days after your photo-facial to polish away the targeted pigmentation and enhance the overall results and appearance of your skin.

  • The downtime with Forever Young BBL Photo-Facials is very minimal and makeup can be worn post treatments.

    When treating hyper-pigmentation the targeted pigment will darken in color and begin to look like coffee granules on the skin. This will naturally exfoliate off over 7+ days. You can apply makeup post treatment. There is a chance of swelling when stronger treatments are performed on the cheek and eye area. The swelling can last a couple of days if it does occur.

  • This depends on your skin needs and goals. Your practitioner will determine this at your complimentary consultation. The average is 3-4 treatments. The first Forever Young BBL Treatment always provides the most visible results.

  • The first Forever Young BBL Treatment always provides the most visible results. This is because the pigmentation that is most prominent and superficial is targeted and will flake off. Pigmentation that sits deeper in the skin may have minimal to no response to follow up treatments unless it is superficial enough to be targeted but you will not receive the same dramatic flaking and downtime as the first session

    .It is very important to understand that when undergoing a series of Forever Young BBL Photo-Facials that the results go far beyond those visible to the eye. Exciting clinical research from Stanford University has revealed that having a Forever Young BBL Photo-Facial 3+ times a year actually reverses the signs of aging and causes skin cells to behave younger. Younger skin cells produce more collagen and elastin than aged skin cells. Compelling evidence supports regular long- term BBL treatments will enhance the expression of longevity- related genes in aged skin cells; essentially reversing the aging process and returning skin to a genetically youthful state.

    Read the Journal of Investigative Medicine Study performed at Stanford Medicine proving the incredible benefits of the Sciton BBL™ Forever Young Photo-Facial. Read article here:

  • Anyone with tanned skin, Epilepsy, using photo-sensitive medications, Lupus, pregnancy, very dark skin, Accutane in the last 12 months, blood thinning medications.

Post-Treatment Care Instructions | Forever Young BBL™ PhotoFacial

After Treatment: Immediately-72 hours:

The area will feel warm like a sun burn. Red bumps may appear and last up to 72 hours. 

A minimum SPF 30 Sunblock (UVA/UVB) should be used throughout the course of your treatment. 

Results may take up to 4 weeks, or in some cases, as little as a few days. 

Darkening of sun damage and pigmentation is normal, and required in order for best results. This may last anywhere from 3 days up to 3 weeks. 

An ice pack or chilled face cloth can be applied to treated area to alleviate discomfort. 

Mineral makeup can be applied as long as the skin is not broken. 

You will repeat the treatment anywhere from 3-4 weeks or as outlined by your practitioner. 

Uncommon, but possible:

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Do Not:

Do not expose the treated area to direct sunlight/tanning beds for a minimum of 2 weeks following procedure. 

Do not have a hot shower, hot tub or engage in vigorous activity for 12 hours. 

Do not pick at the pigmentated lesions. They will appear darker and may have a mild crust. Picking can result in scarring and undesired